Privatization of cleaning and other support services will increase threat of superbug infections, cautions CUPE at rally outside Etobicoke General Hospital

Back in 2006, an outbreak of superbug C. difficile at a Sault Ste. Marie Hospital killed 10 patients directly and another 8 indirectly. The hospital, which had privatized housekeeping services, was forced to increase cleaning staff by 40 per cent and institute a range of other measures.

Now, management at Williams Osler Health System, is making a similar mistake, and risking patient health and safety by privatizing housekeeping and other services at Etobicoke General Hospital that will increase hospital overcrowding, and undermine infection control practices, according to the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

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Our public services are under threat. Cuts and privatization are planned or underway in many areas. In other areas, the system is struggling to keep up with growth while funding remains stagnant.

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